

Showing posts with label Social Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Studies. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Democracy - Definition, Swiss Democracy, Indirect Democracy

DemocracyForm of government, where a constitution guarantees basic personal and political rights, fair and free elections, and independent courts of law.
MonarchyGovernment by a single ruler (king/queen, emperor)
AristocracyGovernment by noblemen (hereditary)
OligarchyGovernment by few persons
Theocracy"Government by God" (in reality this means government by religious leaders)
DictatorshipGovernment by people, that have seized power by force (often: military dictatorship)

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

World War I

The Battle of Somme is considered as one of the important battles which began in July 1916 till February 19 leaving 415,000 Britishers dead. Click Read more for videos.

World War I

World War I- The Schlieffen Plan
Click Read More for the Videos

World War I

World War I- The Battle of Verdun Part 4

World War I

World War I- The Battle of Verdun Part 3

World War I

World War I- The  Battle of Verdun Part 2

World War I

World War I- The Battle of Verdun Part 1

World War I

World War I- Treaty of Versailles

World War I

World War I- The major war

World War I

World War I: Battles Overview and the U.S. Army

World War I

World War I- Main causes of the World War I